Slate Roofing Workshop

New England Slate was proud to welcome 15 slate roofing professionals to our Slate Roofing Course 101. It was a three-day workshop designed to learn new skills and techniques in slate roofing installation taught by a European Master Slater.The course was professional, interesting and informative. It was also offered at an exceptional value. Thank you for welcoming us into your community and being exceptional hosts." quote from a Roofing Student on course evaluation. This hands-on, introductory course was designed for attendees that had a general knowledge of roofing but did not need slate specific experience. After the three-day course, the students were capable of installing a basic slate roof in accordance with industry best practices.
Attendees were company owners, estimators, sales people, and project managers as well as on-the- roof installers. New England Slate’s Roofing Course 101 was taught by European Master Slater, Jens Lehman, Sales Director of Rathscheck Schiefer. Jens is a German Master Roofer with over 20 years experience in the slate roofing industry worldwide.
The workshop was designed to be interactive and hands-on. Each roofing student practiced installation techniques on their own mock-up. They were snapping chalk lines, laying drip edge and cant strip, installing starter course, field slates, hip & ridge slates and flashings. After the mock-up, students also learned and practiced efficient repair techniques.
All attendees were part of sessions designed to broaden their knowledge of slate and debunk common myths associated with it. We covered tips for effective estimating; and had sessions designed for networking, discussion, and Q & A.
Everyone toured our Eagle Quarry to get a complete understanding of how stone in the ground becomes slate on the roof. Everyone practiced splitting “blocks”, trimming “chips” and “punching” slate at the Eagle Mill. In case you’re wondering, nobody got to play with explosives. (Just checking to see if you’re reading this far down… lol. If you did, send me a quick email at and I’ll send you one of our famous “I’d Nail That” t-shirts.)
If you’re interested in attending a course like this or hosting a course for your installers/estimators, please give me a call to discuss. 802-287- 2295
Thanks for reading!